DYFConf Notes: Nathan Barry – How to Become an Authority

Becoming an Authority took Nathan from being an introvert at a conference with no one to talk to -> people approaching him now at conferences.

Becoming an Authority. Initially thought it was a really hard thing.

Nathan thought paid advertising was the only way to get in front of people.

Initially thought he was better or at least the same level as Chris Coyier at design. When people would ask Nathan questions he would reference Chris’s articles.

He couldn’t understand what was different between him and Chris.

While Chris was teaching, I was just QUIETLY working.

They don’t teach because they are experts, they are experts because they teach

Not all topics are created equal.

Venn diagram intersection of the following:

  1. Have something you can teach
  2. You are a member of the audience
  3. solving a painful problem

Teach a skill that makes money to people who have money

For your first 10 subscribers

Find 10 people you know in real life. Write down 10 names.

Ask: “I’m starting a new site teaching people __________. Is that something you’re interested in learning more about?”

If you can’t find 10 people who are friends and are genuinely interested in the project you should give up on the topic.

Next ask:

  1. Where do you go online now to learn about [this topic]? This is where you’ll promote what you write.
  2. What is your biggest frustration with [the topic]? This is what you’ll write about.

Getting 1,000 Subscribers

Creating an email course. Doesn’t have to be all done when you launch it.

Tag your sources!! Product Hunt, FaceBook, Twitter, Asking friends, reddit, use all your different places to promote it.

How to produce that much content?

write 1,000 words a day. Kept it up for 650 days. Just write everyday.

Doesn’t have to be 1,000 words.

Doesn’t have to be “writing” some days of the streak can be editing/rewriting.

If producing content is important to you. Put in the time and effort every day.

Start before your feel ready. You just have to get started.

Show up every day for 2 years. Just show up and do the work. Then tell me whether it works or not.

Further Reading:

Site: http://nathanbarry.com/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/nathanbarry