DYFConf Notes: Brian Casel – Productize to $10k/month

How to use a productized service to accelerate your transition to software.

times when would land $20k project and the thought would be “this sucks, now I’ve got to do work for this client”
Productized service as a business

Transition to product business is tough. Making a product and getting a client to pay for it isn’t all there is to it.

Client work takes you away from your new thing, day job, bills, kids, family & friends.

Don’t want to compromise on your lifestyle.

Talking to friends and family

Freelancers who are used to getting paid for one hour of work are not used to the risk of losing one hour of billable work to products.

The path of least resistance – Productized Services

Building systems and processes

When first tried Restaurant engine he built software first. For Audience ops they started with the service first.

Software with a Service (SWaS) Software + Service

Combine software with a done for you service component.

The software provides the tool

The service delivers the results

Easier for clients to buy a SWaS than it is to just buy software (maybe the software won’t work for you)

It’s easier than just hiring freelancers.

no more discovery meetings. no more requirement gathering. negotiations. no scope.

Productized service allows you to skip past all of that. You’re working with your ideal customer and skipping all the traditional freelance steps.

Better than selling software by itself because you’re taking a very hands on approach to deliver what your clients actually want.

Owning the Tool is Optional

What if you don’t own the tool for the service? You could build your service on top of an existing tool.

What do your customers really want?

Do they want a tool or a result?

Leveraging paycheck to invest in the business. Streamline the service. Delegating the work to employees.

Launch Service, get revenue/results from day one.

Reinvest the revenue into developing the service with software

But can it scale?

I removed myself to the point that I spent < 3 hours/month managing the business.

Remove yourself

First, get the solution right. Then remove yourself from the delivery


focus on one problem, one solution, for one customer

Whatever you can do to take action and get something out the door. The faster you can do that that faster you can get things right.

Price on Value. Scale the Costs.

Leverage Everything. Focus on taking the path of least resistance.

Further Reading/Listening:

Site: http://casjam.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/CasJam